Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Can someone you love turn to be a monster

What a title...sigh

But its true in my case. Pity me.

This person used to be such a nice one with good heart though not good looking la.. Never mind. With all the good manners and humble and what not ok la kan... but only time can tell you how this person can change in just a flip second. God knows what really happen. Even for a person to change to such a level, I can comprehend why and how. You see this person is a husband married with children. It used to be a wonderful one but now he is such a monster doing all the evil and bad things to hurt how much he can.

Maybe he is under some stress or what but don't la do this to your own wife. Maybe he is under some charm ke or spell ke or what not but hope that this person will realise soon and wake up from his deep sleep. The children pun is involved here.

Apa la... let's see, only time can tell. If every good things can have bad one, then I do believe that every bad things will have good one too.. Please pray for me..

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